[jboss-dev-forums] [Design the new POJO MicroContainer] - Re: Handling contexts in error

julien@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Feb 20 11:28:26 EST 2008

Here is my use case:

I defined an SPI for that allow to integrate portlet applications / portlet container and portlet filter objects (which have a stop/start/failed life cycle and start() throws Exception / stop() callbacks) with kernel system (whether it is MC or something else).

I have two facade of objects:

1/ managed object which are exposed to admin and allow to know what exists, the state and life cycle trigger (managedStart() / managedStop())

base class is

  | public interface ManagedObjet
  | {
  |    ManagedObjectStatus getStatus();
  |    void managedStart() throws Exception;
  |    void managedStop();
  | }

then for instance I have

  | public interface ManagedPortletApplication extends ManagedObject
  | {
  |    Collection<ManagedPortletContainer> getPortletContainers();
  | }

  | public interface ManagedPortletContainer extends ManagedObject
  | {
  |    ManagedPortletApplication getPortletApplication();
  | }


Then I have the internal API that is aimed at providing wiring capabilities and real start/stop activities

  | public interface PortletContainerService
  | {
  |    void setPortletApplication(PortletApplicationService pa);
  |    void start() throws Exception;
  |    void stop();
  | }

  | public interface PortletApplicationService
  | {
  |    void addPortletContainer(PortletContainerService pc);
  |    void removePortletContainer(PortletContainerService pc);
  |    void start() throws Exception;
  |    void stop();
  | }


Now I am trying to get an MC implementation of the Managed* stuff that uses JBoss MC to:

1/ manage the *Service objects (wiring and callbacks)
2/ provide a managed interface to know about what exists and managed their life cycle
3/ be integrated with other MC beans that may exist in the same Kernel (so it is possible to create dependencies between a portlet container and another service, etc...)

View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4130850#4130850

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