[jboss-dev-forums] [Design the new POJO MicroContainer] - Re: Handling contexts in error

julien@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Feb 20 14:09:12 EST 2008

anonymous wrote : The reason it can't do the failure part is because it follows what is an accepted 
  | generally good programming practice (e.g. ejbs do the same) 
  | that if the container invokes a bean and it throws an error then you discard 
  | that bean. You can't know that the bean is still in a good state because 
  | you don't know why it threw the error. 

this is the programming model that is designed as such.

If you take Servlet or Portlet (modelled after Servlet) it is not the same and it is more like a service programming model.

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