[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of OSGi Integration] - Re: Facade Questions

alesj do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Feb 25 10:48:21 EST 2008

"johnbailey" wrote : Are the following resonable?
  |   |          ControllerState controllerState = getControllerContext().getState();
  |   |          if (ControllerState.ERROR.equals(controllerState))
  |   |          {
  |   |             bundleState = Bundle.INSTALLED; // Seems strange, but see javadoc 
  |   |          }
  |   | 
Can you post javadoc?
Not that I don't trust you, but just lazy to do own lookup. ;-)
Other look OK.

And since the controller states to bundle states mapping is 'growing function', you can do a simple function which will determine bundle state according to the controller state index value.
Hence not needing that List impl that I proposed earlier. 

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