[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss Build System] - Re: What do the dependency:analyze warnings mean?

adrian@jboss.org do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Feb 26 09:48:08 EST 2008

"scott.stark at jboss.org" wrote : 
  | All of these unused dependencies are in fact used, so what is this telling me?

Probably that is using a transitive dependency from one of the other
dependencies instead of the what you declared.

The MC build has lots of this kind of thing which solves the problem,
but it isn't the real solution for me:

  | <!-- I want JBossXB -->
  |     <dependency>
  |       <groupId>org.jboss</groupId>
  |       <artifactId>jbossxb</artifactId>
  | <!-- But don't let it override what I say the versions should be! :-( -->
  |       <exclusions>
  |         <exclusion>
  |           <groupId>jboss</groupId>
  |           <artifactId>jboss-common-core</artifactId>
  |         </exclusion>
  |         <exclusion>
  |           <groupId>jboss</groupId>
  |           <artifactId>jboss-common-logging-spi</artifactId>
  |         </exclusion>
  |       </exclusions>
  |     </dependency>

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