[jboss-dev-forums] [Deployers on JBoss (Deployers/JBoss)] - Deployers ordering and write access to the private naming co

deruelle_jean do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Feb 27 09:09:55 EST 2008

Hi all,

Sorry in advance for the long post,

As part of the Mobicents Jboss project, we are currently building a sip servlets 1.1 (JSR 289) implementation that run both on top of Tomcat and Jboss. (available at https://sip-servlets.dev.java.net/). 

The spec mandates in its section 18.2.7 Annotation for SipFactory Injection that for converged containers, a SipFactory would appear as java:/comp/env/sip//SipFactory in the JNDI mapping or injected as an @Resource annotation. This annotation can be used in any SIP Servlet or a JEE application component deployed on the converged container in the same EAR archive file.

The SipFactory is an interface for a variety of SIP Servlet API abstractions, which could allow an EJB to initiate a sip call by example.

In an EAR, we could have many Sip Servlets Applications, so we would need to first deploy the web applications (contexts) before EJB, webservices, mdb, ... and then when starting those other JEE components be able to access their private naming context (java:/comp/env/) to inject the SipFactory of each app bundled within the EAR.

Could you provide some informations/tips/tricks/guildelines on how to extend/modify the current deployers in order to achieve that ?

I can provide more information if this is not clear enough.

Thanks in advance
Best regards
Jean Deruelle

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