[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBossXB] - Re: How to force strict validation?

adrian@jboss.org do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Feb 27 16:48:38 EST 2008

"rob.stryker at jboss.com" wrote : So is there any part of jboss xb which *can* validate as such and fail when a required attribute is *not* present? 

It's not really the job of xml binding to validate the schema/dtd.
e.g. compare the JAXB spec.
anonymous wrote : 
  | The binding framework has been revised significantly since JAXB 1.0.
  | Significant changes include:
  | ...
  |     •   unmarshal/marshal time validation deferring to JAXP 1.3 validation.

If you want validation, configure the xml parser to do it (which are options
on the unmarshaller).

Example from the deployers:

The JAXP parser needs to be able to resolve the schema document
to actually do the validation as Alex says. :-)

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