[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss Portal] - Re: Event debugger

julien@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Feb 28 19:21:26 EST 2008

here are the relevant methods of the event controller context

  |    /**
  |     * <p>Give control to the context when an event is produced. The session
  |     * argument gives to the context the capability to queue events in response
  |     * of the produced event or to interrupt the session. It has also access
  |     * to the full history of distributed events in order to provide advanced
  |     * implementation of event cycle detection.</p>
  |     *
  |     * <p>During the invocation of this method, any runtime exception thrown will signal
  |     * a failure and the produced event will be discarded although the event
  |     * distribution will continue.</p>
  |     *
  |     * <p>During the invocation of this method, any error thrown will be propagated
  |     * to the portlet controller invoker.</p>
  |     *
  |     * @param session the session
  |     * @param sourceEvent the source event
  |     * @param producedEvent the produced event
  |     */
  |    void eventProduced(EventPhaseSession session, Event sourceEvent, Event producedEvent);
  |    /**
  |     * <p>Signal to the context when an event is consumed by a portlet. The session argument
  |     * only provides querying capabilities and it is not possible to queue event
  |     * or interrupt the session.</p>
  |     *
  |     * <p>During the invocation of this method, any runtime exception thrown will
  |     * be ignored by the controller.</p>
  |     *
  |     * <p>During the invocation of this method, any error thrown will be propagated
  |     * to the portlet controller invoker.</p>
  |     *
  |     * @param session the session
  |     * @param sourceEvent the source event
  |     * @param consumedEvent the consumed event
  |     */
  |    void eventConsumed(EventPhaseSession session, Event sourceEvent, Event consumedEvent);

the first method is used to route an produced event to create events in reaction.

the second method is more an acknowledgement method that say that en event was consumed.

I plan to add other callbacks for ignored events or failures.

View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4133024#4133024

Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=posting&mode=reply&p=4133024

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