[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of Messaging on JBoss (Messaging/JBoss)] - Re: JBM 2.0 JDBCPersistenceManager - volunteers?

AnthonyHib do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Jan 8 05:11:14 EST 2008

Hi Guys,
I've read the topic twice but excuse me if I've misunderstood something.
Here are my comments:
1- Using Hibernate/JPA just because Schema Export is useful isn't a sufficient argument. Schema Export is a development tool. Generated Schemas need to be reviewed/tuned by a DBA, so you cannot rely 110% on it in production
2- Using Hibernate/JPA to generate the Schema and then use pure JDBC seems weird. 
3- I don't feel detyped/dynamic model will be more efficient than a pure oo domain model

If you requirements are: 
- DML/DDL depending the target DB
- most efficient module in terms of performance, avoid the little overhead of ORM
Then I'd suggest you to go and use pure JDBC and write a set of fully tested DDL/DML for each database and insert a config parameter.

Anyway, if your model isn't complex, I'd suggest you to code 3 prototypes 
- OO domain model + ORM
- OO domain model + JDBC
- map of map with jdbc
and test it under heavy load

I'm pretty sure the overhead of ORM will be very very small.

I'd be happy to help you to tune your ORM based prototypes.

Anthony Patricio
Hibernate/JPA support engineer. 

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