[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of Messaging on JBoss (Messaging/JBoss)] - Re: JBM 2.0 JDBCPersistenceManager - volunteers?

apwalker do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Jan 8 08:38:05 EST 2008

anonymous wrote :  Anthony
  | 1- Using Hibernate/JPA just because Schema Export is useful isn't a sufficient argument. Schema Export is a development tool. Generated Schemas need to be reviewed/tuned by a DBA, so you cannot rely 110% on it in production 

Correct you most creatainly need way to generate scripts that can be reviewed by DBA for going into production. With previous versions of JBossMQ and JBM I would run the app server configured with a DB user with create premissions in a dev/test environment have if create the tables etc the use a tools to extract the DDL so it can be used to create the prod environment. This is always a pain. How I saw this work was that I could simply run a script that would generate the correct DDL from some hiberante config. Now whether we then just use pure JDBC or Hibernate at run time is a seperate issue.

JBPM does this quite nicely in that the have a seperate DB project which you to create DDL for both new systems and when upgrading to new versions (alter scripts).

anonymous wrote :  Tim
  | However, maybe I am mistaken / misinformed and such an API does not exist, in which case I imagine we need to go down the ORM route. If this is the case I would like to know if HIbernate can be configured to not cache - basically just act as a raw "translator". 

Hibernate has the concept of a stateless session which is means no session level caching. I spoke to Gavin sometime ago about using Hibernate for persitance for the JBM project and he said it really was a good fit but if we did go down this path then use the stateless session.

The persisntance requirements for messaging are pretty simple and I think it´s possible to tune a pure JDBC solution and that ORM is overkill for runtime.  I think it would be a good idea to try a couple of prototypes I happy to work on one or two of them.

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