[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBossCache] - Re: Implicit marshalled values - a better way of handling re

manik.surtani@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Jan 8 20:03:38 EST 2008

Whew - talk about a healthy response to a post!  :-)

First though, back on to the main topic of marshalled values - Brian, I hope to have this in 2.1.0.CR3, which means you will have it for JBoss AS 5 clustering.  I hope to have it enabled by default, too - let me know if this causes any issues with you.  

So back to the "new" topic of custom objects in Fqns!  ;)

I think a PFER check on a node attribute can be done just as easily as with a node - the current PFER code does a peek() and tests for a null return value.  This could then do a getDirect() for specific attribs.

I'm not entirely convinced about the UUID approach for entities though.  Entities already have an identity - a primary key.  Could we not use the entity's PK instead of UUIDs?  Surely every entity PK must be mappable to DB primitives in some way, and if it is a composite PK, could we not combine the components in a Collection?  This would ensure that the same ID is used cluster-wide and prevent collisions/lock timeouts as well as the need for a "dupe cleanup" thread... 

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