[jboss-dev-forums] [Design the new POJO MicroContainer] - Re: Moving out of the UnifiedClassloaders

adrian@jboss.org do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Jan 10 09:31:11 EST 2008

Scott, I'm working on making the switch now.

The work required is:
1) Update to the lastest snapshot of the classloader project to fix a bug in getPackage()
2) Change bootstrap-beans.xml
3) Add osgi.jar to the bootstrap-beans.xml classloader
4) Check it doesn't seriously break the testsuite/tck (it will break the old UCL tests in the testsuite - that is expected)
5) Once any issues found are resolved do a proper release of (1) and update
the other configurations - e.g. profile service test and jboss embedded

Using the new classloader is a prerequiste for modularizing the bootstrap-beans.xml
which in turn solves a number of other issues like the @JMX annoation getting
deployed too late.

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