[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of Clustering on JBoss (Clusters/JBoss)] - Re: JBAS-4919 - ha singletons in heterogenous topologies

bstansberry@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Jan 18 17:40:57 EST 2008

Following your points;

1) +1.  Please open a JIRA.

2) Better in createService() so the policy has it available in its own startService().  (The policy is injected into HASS, so it will go through create/start first). Keep doubting; if your gut keeps telling you it's wrong we can discuss more.  If I decide it's wrong I won't flame you, as I've just now agreed. :)

The fact that this will be done should be documented in HASingletonSupport(MBean).setElectionPolicy(). 

3) That's ugly.  That complexity is enough to convince me that the managedSingleton property should come out of HASingletonElectionPolicy.

4) Two semi-conflicting thoughts:

OTOH that's a lot of overhead.  E.g. to run the testsuite we now need to have 3 IP addresses available, with multicast working between all 3.  So, for now I'd say no, unless we can use mocks to simulate the cluster in the test driver's VM.

OTOH there's lots of other areas where this is useful.  But, there's too much other stuff on our plates; if we can't do it in the test driver's VM. let's not do it at all for now.

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