[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of EJB 3.0] - Re: Nice version conlfict on jboss-ejb3-ext-api-impl

ALRubinger do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Jan 24 20:10:28 EST 2008

This brings up a couple issues.  

1) How we resolve the conflict
2) How we continue with ejb3-ext-api-impl (if at all)

1 - 

Resolving the conflict with ClusteredImpl may be a bit more involved than it seems because AS5 Beta3 shipped with @Clustered within the ha-client version 1.0.0.BETA1.  Beta4 is currently gunning to use the same version, but if Brian's got changes he needs to get into the release, @Clustered will disappear (as it's been moved to ejb3-ext-api). 

So we've got three projects tied together (for the time being), ejb3-ext-api, ejb3-ext-api-impl, and ha-client.  If we bump up any of these releases for Beta4, we must bump up all.  This binding was intended for structural changes to code in ext-api and ext-api-impl.

So resolution depends, then, on what version of ha-client will be used in Beta4.  If we stay on 1.0.0.BETA1 then we'd have to backport the annotation impls, unless...

2 - 

Moving forward, we'll go with the conventions we've set forth for versioning: 0.2.x should be the next series, not 0.1.4.  This way we won't have to increment betas (Beta2 in the case you'd shown isn't really Beta2, its got new featuresets).

However, I thought the point of moving these annotation impls into their own package was for the following benefits:

* Discourage interdependencies within projects
* Allow for separate, frozen lifecycle
* Logically divide code and keep components small

For instance, if both Core and Interceptors need ExcludeClassInterceptorsImpl, wouldn't it be better for them both to depend on an ejb3-ext-api-impl than Core > Interceptors or vise-versa?

I suppose point 2) is a matter of preference.


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