[jboss-dev-forums] [Design the new POJO MicroContainer] - Re: Context ClassLoader - POJO

adrian@jboss.org do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Jan 25 10:45:34 EST 2008

"alesj" wrote : 
  | btw: the installs have different CL usage as callbacks
  | Installs have it per install instance, where callbacks are grouped in a single set.
  | Why the difference?

I thought I explained it above? Let me reword it :-)

* The classloader usage is the same from the user's point of view.
e.g. The addDeployer() invocation on the MainDeployer will have the context classloader
of the Deployer being added regardless of which mechanism is used.
It's different from our point of view because install and incallback are implemented
in different ways.

* I didn't understand how the callbacks hang together so I just wrapped all the
processing inside the classloader change. If it causes problems then
we'll (most likely you :-) will have to workout how to do it more fine-grained.
I also assumed this would take care of the callbacks like the class attribute
that I didn't know existed, let alone understand.

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