[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of POJO Server] - DataSourceDeploymentMetaData getManagedConnectionFactoryProp

bytor99999 do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sat Jan 26 13:49:51 EST 2008

I found this in the DataSourceDeploymentMetaData at lines 337-351

I am thinking that the second properties setName() is using the wrong name. I don't think both properties are supposed to be using the same name, unless it is an either/or config property

  |       if(getStaleConnectionCheckerClassName() != null)
  |       {
  |          property = new ManagedConnectionFactoryPropertyMetaData();
  |          property.setName("StaleConnectionCheckerClassName");
  |          property.setValue(getStaleConnectionCheckerClassName());                           
  |          properties.add(property);         
  |       }
  |       if(getURLSelectorStrategyClassName() != null)
  |       {
  |          property = new ManagedConnectionFactoryPropertyMetaData();
  |          property.setName("StaleConnectionCheckerClassName");
  |          property.setValue(getStaleConnectionCheckerClassName());                           
  |          properties.add(property);         
  |       }


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