[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of POJO Server] - Re: extra jars needed when deploying a Seam app into JBAS5 b

alesj do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Jan 31 11:14:03 EST 2008

"charles.crouch at jboss.com" wrote : 
  | Any ideas why/how this is occurring and what can be done about it?
Since you need to make Seam be VFS aware.
And since you're deploying Seam core with your app, you cannot simply put a single jboss-seam-as5.jar into configuration lib, because the VFS impl would then miss the Scanner class.
Meaning, Seam As5 specific classes would be in parent CL of Seam core CL, and hence not being able to see them

At the moment we did it that way, but the discussion about it will take place at JBW.

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