[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss jBPM] - Re: Defining the API Mission

tom.baeyens@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Jul 16 03:15:33 EDT 2008

anonymous wrote : How is the correctness of the API verified?

That's what I'm now doing on the PVM.  I don't think that is possible without actually building all the different patterns/features.  Without enough coverage of the patterns implemented, you cannot know whether the runtime datastructure is rich and simple enough to handle all the cases.  That describes the work I have been doing in PVM.  

This iterative incremental approach cannot start from zero.  The first iteration of the PVM API will definitely have to cover jPDL 3 concepts and feature capabilities.  They might not all have to be implemented in full, but for sure, the runtime data structure must be able to handle all forms of process concurrency that we have in mind, sub process execution, timers and asynchronous continuations.  All of those have a big impact on the API and you can't build a stable subset if you don't have proof on how you're going to deal with those features later on.

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