[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of Clustering on JBoss] - Re: JBCLUSTER-206 - Extract HB/JBC integration layer from EJ

bstansberry@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Jul 18 16:26:23 EDT 2008

Re: the tests, there are tests in the Hibernate 3.3 core cache-jboss-cache2 module that avoid using the AS.  See the org.hibernate.test.cache.jbc2.functional package.  The difficulty is those bring in dependencies on the Hibernate test module, plus I'm sure have JBC 2 ties.  So it will require some effort to break those ties and let them run standalone.

There are lots of other tests in Hibernate 3.3 core cache-jboss-cache2 as well; none require the AS.  But those are much more tied to the Hibernate 3.3 and JBC 2 APIs.

On the name, how about "hibernate-jbc-cache-provider"?  CacheProvider is the legacy API that's replaced in 3.3. Including it in the name is at least a small indication this is a legacy integration.

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