[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss Remoting, Unified Invokers] - R3 transports to implement

trustin do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Jul 28 01:52:21 EDT 2008

If I remember the latest conversation with David in our IRC channel, our current timeline-less road map looks like the following overally:

 * 3.0 - Stable API and its R2 compatible transports (socket, RMI, servlet, bisocket)
 * 3.1 - SSH and other bells and whistles (maybe HTTP or it should go to 3.2)

Are we all agreed on this overall road map?  If so, we could step into more detailed tasks for each milestone.

And... According to the recent discussion ('Hints Welcome'), David also mentioned a simple new R3 implementation for LAN use.  I thought we could focus on SSH and use NUL crypto algorythm and no compression.  We could also configure each request listener to require different cryptographic strength (perhaps using annotation?).  WDYT?

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