[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of Messaging on JBoss (Messaging/JBoss)] - Re: Some feedback on latest journal changes

timfox do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Jul 31 12:07:21 EDT 2008

"clebert.suconic at jboss.com" wrote : 
  | The first attempt was to record the total elements but a file could be reclaimed and part of the transaction gone, 

How can a file be reclaimed if it it contains transactional records that haven't been committed or rolled back? We should never allow *part* of a transaction to disappear.

anonymous wrote : 
  | I did this on purpose.  When I'm debugging the file, I usually set trace=true manually and change the trace method. I'm keepting the static private method close to the attribute as it is easier that way.

I was referring to the debug() method not the static trace method

anonymous wrote : 
  | We aways had a record on appendRecord. We can't change currentFile until the checks on currentFile is done.
  | The new thing done was putting the appendRecord on a higher level, as the counters were being messed up. 
  | I can put the lock back on appendRecord, but I would to do more testings with that.
  | I would need to think about how to remove the lock at all. (There is a JIRA for that)

Yes, we need to revisit the concurrency.

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