[jboss-dev-forums] [Design the new POJO MicroContainer] - Re: Using a CompositeMetaType for a Map with String keys?

mark.spritzler do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Mar 5 15:29:37 EST 2008

I think the tests should change.

Here is why, I think, and I am assuming here, that TableMetaTypes were originally designed for "Maps" However, their actual implementations ended up being a hodgepodge MetaType. 

Each row in the TableMetaType can have its own structure. So one row might have 5 columns and the next row might have 10 columns. TableMetaType is now a very powerful MetaType, but I think overkill for Maps.

Personally, while I see the power of TableMetaTypes, I think we should try to avoid using them. Anything we have, can be created combining the Map, List and Simple/Generic types to match our needs.

I will also add that my opinion is coming from how JON types are designed, and we just have Map, List and Simple properties and have yet to come across anything that we couldn't handle. like creating List of Maps with Simples for security domains in JMS and config properties for Connection Factories. 


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