[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss Build System] - maven-buildmagic-thirdparty-plugin Enhancements to put in re

ALRubinger do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Mar 6 21:20:02 EST 2008

As it currently stands, the jboss-deploy-plugin (now the maven-buildmagic-thirdparty-plugin - love the clearer name BTW), copies artifacts from "mvn deploy" into the path specified by "jboss.repository.root", intended to be the target for the local WC of https://svn.jboss.org/repos/repository.jboss.com.

Which is fine for local dev, but for QA environments where we don't have access to do an "svn ci" to the thirdparty repo after "mvn deploy", there's currently no way to get the artifacts into 3rdparty via a cron'd Hudson run.

So the end result is that we must manually deploy artifacts each night such that they're kept current for AS builds, and stuff easily falls out of sync.  QA asked me about this today specifically for the EJB3 Aggregator run.

How can we change this?  Some ideas:

* Enhance maven-buildmagic-thirdparty-plugin to automatically invoke appropriate SVN actions (either via Process to 'svn' or Java SVN lib)

* Enhance maven-buildmagic-thirdparty-plugin to WebDAV the necessary artifacts and descriptors artifacts, overwriting what's there (Apache Slide, maybe).  This solution is simpler but won't account for version control (in SVN anyway, I'm not sure what's hooked up under the DAV protocol supporting that location now).

* Do nothing; Paul will be done with making 3rdparty go the way of the Dodo soon enough and everything will be in the Maven2 repos.



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