[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of POJO Server] - Re: Invalid jboss-deployers-vfs-spi POM

adrian@jboss.org do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Mar 13 09:01:52 EDT 2008

"ALRubinger" wrote : "adrian at jboss.org" wrote : If you don't want to do the extra work of reading a forum where a project is being developed then don't use a snapshot. :-)
  | That wasn't an option.  I've got to use the same versions for EJB3 as the AS assembly will place in the runtime, else I'll have a version conflict.

AS isn't using the MC snapshot, it is using Beta10.1
If it were, it would be broken :-)

anonymous wrote : 
  | But after the changes to the build system, and the discussion on a forum you weren't monitoring, I'm guessing you now feel my pain. :)
  | S,
  | ALR

Not really, because I haven't integrated the latest MC into AS yet and when I do
I'll give everybody fair warning before I do it. :-)

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