[jboss-dev-forums] [Design the new POJO MicroContainer] - Re: JarEntry as VFS root does not return empty vfspath

adrian@jboss.org do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Mar 20 22:37:46 EDT 2008

"mstruk" wrote : 
  | Lazy init of contextPath is also a mine that makes things blow up when you poke around and play with code. Things would be much more predictable if we just set it through constructor and make it non transient.

I don't remember the code being that difficult, but then I haven't worked on it for a while?
IIRC, the path originally was setup lazily, except for the now obsolete jar handler
that went through every entry up-front?

I don't understand why you can't fall back to getParent().getParent().etc.
at the worst?

anonymous wrote : 
  | To stick to the issue - I think it would be best to introduce non-transient field boolean isContextRoot to AbstractVirtualFileHandler and init it through constructor.

Sounds like a simple solution, but maybe not so good on memory usage?

anonymous wrote : 
  | BTW: Is there a wiki page I can use for a little VFS guide I'm putting together? Where others in-the-know can point out inaccuracies I commit :)

Besides this, I don't know? :-)
The original design(s) - it's been few a couple of iterations - were
mostly described in the forums. I don't know that anybody has collected the 
implementation details into a more formal document?

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