[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss ESB] - Re: COM Gateway

lihui_pang do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Mar 27 14:25:04 EDT 2008

"DirkBangel" wrote : Hi Mark, Hi Kurt
  | After an "long" evaluation phase we now came to some more detailed questions. As proposed in the ESB developers guide we
  | intended to use the JBOSS_XML message type. Therefore we pass our message content into the esb message body.
  | Does this match with your expiriences or should we better use an own MessagePlugin to fully implement our own message
  | layout?
  | Did you get answer on this? How do you register the plugin, is there any sample?
  | If you propose the JBOSS_XML message type, we have to provide a implementation of the MarshalUnmarshalPlugin for
  | serializing and deserializing our Java instances in a XML representation. If so,
  | is there an general way of registering our plugin to the esb container (providers section of the deployment descriptor?)
  | or do we have to put a jbossesb-property.xml into each deployment (.esb)?
  | Last but not least, if we choose the JBOSS_XML representation and if we serialize our content into XML, which is the
  | more or less human readable, is the XML representation encrypted on the wire - encrypted while transportation over the
  | esb? Can we enable an automatic encryption for messages trough the esb? We ask because we currently have a stateless
  | listener and we pass all "of our session information", including credentials, into the messages. The messages are passed
  | around the client(caller) and our esb listener.
  | Did you get answer on this too?
  | A first roughly summarized "structural design" document can be found (all IP protected stuff is dropped out) at http://jbossesb.javainteroperability.com/ext/structuraldesign.pdf. We are happy to recieve all comments.
  | Thanks for your replies,
  | Best regards
  | Dirk 

Please share your result with us. Thanks.

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