[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss Serialization] - Re: jboss serialization performance

patrick145 do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu May 15 15:16:46 EDT 2008

I have found that on Solaris 10, Java serialization performance exceeds that of JBoss serialization for single-threaded applications across a variety of object types.

However, in multi-threaded applications I have found the opposite to be true.  It would seem that Java serialization has some sort of synchronization bottleneck in something called:


For highly threaded applications, JBoss performance and scalability greatly exceeded that of plain old Java Serialization.

TEST  #Runs Threads BufferSize	File System	Serializer	Size	X/s
io	10000	1	32768	ufs	Java	21474	142.6
io	10000	2	32768	ufs	Java	21474	199.7
io	10000	3	32768	ufs	Java	21474	208
io	10000	4	32768	ufs	Java	21474	199.7
io	10000	1	32768	swap	Java	21474	156.1
io	10000	2	32768	swap	Java	21474	203.8
io	10000	3	32768	swap	Java	21474	216.9
io	10000	4	32768	swap	Java	21474	208

io	10000	1	32768	swap	Jboss	25567	116.1
io	10000	2	32768	swap	Jboss	25567	249.6
io	10000	3	32768	swap	Jboss	25567	368.3
io	10000	4	32768	swap	Jboss	25567	474.9
io	10000	8	32768	swap	Jboss	25567	828.9
io	10000	12	32768	swap	Jboss	25567	986.5
io	10000	16	32768	swap	Jboss	25567	1095.9

For larger sample sizes the difference between Java and JBoss diverged.  So, I think the answer to the "which is faster?" question is correctly answered by the age-old response "It depends."

If your application is highly threaded and needs to scale, JBoss is likely for you.  If single threaded serialization is fine, Java serialization may be for you.

Of course, the landscape is likely to change again in Java 1.6 and 1.7.  However, until WebSphere supports this version of the JDK, it is not relevant for my situation.

- Pat

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