[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss Profiler] - Re: Crash when stopping JbossProfiler 2.0.Beta 1

pisce do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri May 16 10:56:21 EDT 2008

Hi, my loader-repository conf is like this:

        seam.jboss.org:loader=<webapp name>

application.xml looks like the following:

            <web-uri><webapp name>.war</web-uri>
            <context-root>/<webapp name></context-root>
        <webapp name>.jar

I don't know if you need some other info, please tell me if you do.

And note that this happens only at the first or second attempt to stop the profiler, otherwise it never happens. When it fails, I can only make it work by restarting JBoss AS.

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