[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss ESB] - Re: ESB vs. SOAP community

mark.little@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue May 27 13:33:40 EDT 2008

Owing to other work commitments I'm a little late to this, but thought I'd add some comments anyway ...

"thomas.diesler at jboss.com" wrote : anonymous wrote : 
  |   | There is no such thing as JBossSOA
  |   | 
  | Exactly - and my point is that there should be a JBossSOA project that has a binary dependency on JBossESB like on any other project that goes into the SOA-P.

So there's a JBossEAP project somewhere that I don't know about ;-) ?

anonymous wrote : 
  | The benefit is, that JBossESB can have a different lifecycle than JBossSOA,

It already does, in the same way all of the projects do. There is no benefit of adding yet another project that simply pulls together what the ESB is already pulling together.

anonymous wrote : 
  | With the current approach JBossESB determines the release cycle, which may be slower than what our community expects of JBossSOA.

Actually the way it is at the moment the SOA-P and ESB are in lock-step precisely because of community and customer requirements! Were that to change then it would be in the same way as we see for all of the other projects.

anonymous wrote : 
  | For example we cannot update JBossWS before JBossESB is ready for the next release.

No, we cannot update JBossWS because we pull it in from EAP. Good project (JBossWS) to mention, but completely wrong target (JBossESB) to fire at!

anonymous wrote : 
  | Additionally, all folks that are currently involved in the various SOA projects should become members of JBossSOA. This is important to improve project integration.
  | Thirdly, the JBossESB project should only be concerned with ESB aspects and not try to act as an umbrella project, which it is not.

The ESB is being precisely what it is meant to be: a glue (and umbrella to some extent). The ESB is our SOA Infrastructure. It is JBossSOA. You want to have two names for the exact same project?

anonymous wrote : 
  | Forthly, component updates and SSO should not be a property of the SOA-P they should be available to the community, develeoped and QAed in JBossSOA. Productisaztion should be the only concern of the SOA-P

Wrong target again. As Kevin already pointed out, SSO is not happening within SOA-P or ESB! It's a company wide effort.

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