[jboss-dev-forums] [Design the new POJO MicroContainer] - Re: VFS and directory handling

scott.stark@jboss.org do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri May 30 12:01:19 EDT 2008

"alesj" wrote : 
  | So, I'm probably reading your quote wrong
  | ""scott.stark at jboss.org" wrote : 
  |   | A nested jar should simply be seen as a JarInputStream.
  |   | 
  | If by that you mean that URL of nested jar should return JIS, then we're almost there - we return ZIS.
Yes, we should be there is a JarInputStream is returned.

"alesj" wrote : 
  | Off topic:
  | I remember having problems finding MANIFEST.MF file if the IS impl in nested jar handling was JIS, instead of ZIS. 
Having accessors for the Manifest is basically all JarInputStream adds to the ZipInputStream. Really, from "URL from which an InputStream in jar format can be obtained. ", I don't think a JarInputStream is required as ZipInputStream is in the jar format. Can you validate with the hibernate team that this works for them?

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