[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of Messaging on JBoss (Messaging/JBoss)] - JBossMessaging_1_4_0_SP3_CP04 been tagged

clebert.suconic@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Oct 7 16:34:51 EDT 2008

JBossMessaging_1_4_0_SP3_CP04 has been tagged.

All the examples are working on both EAP 4.3 and JBAS 4.2.3 (latest release).

The BindingManager config was also updated on EAP 4.3. (And we should update it on the JBAS branch when we release 1_4_0_SP4 (or whatever name we choose).

The configs are part of the repository and the upload is done automatically by a script on brew. I will double check the files are correct as soon as RedHat uploads it to the repository.

I have also double checked the diffs between JBossMessaging_1_4_0_SP3_CP03 and JBossMessaging_1_4_0_SP3_CP04 to make sure we are not missing anything during the merge of the branches. (I had done that before, but I wanted another check to make sure)

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