[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of AOP on JBoss (Aspects/JBoss)] - Re: Reimplementing ClassPools for AS

adrian@jboss.org do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Oct 10 10:57:47 EDT 2008

"kabir.khan at jboss.com" wrote : "adrian at jboss.org" wrote : 
  |   | The requested rules are on the Module, e.g. importAll, exportAll and requirements/capabilities
  |   | 
  | So to get this straight I can get the exported packages from the ExportedPackages(PackageCapability) of the Modules's capabilites and the imported packages from the OptionalPackages(PackageRequirement/UsesPackageRequirement)?
  | Will these only be set if importAll and exportAll are false?

The exported packages have nothing to do with importAll.
exportAll is just a convenience mechanism where you don't have to explicitly
list all package capabilities.

anonymous wrote : 
  | What is the difference between PackageRequirement and UsesPackageRequirement? The method name is getOptionalPackageNames(). What does that mean? I also see that AbstractRequirement has an optional flag. If false, does that mean it is required? If that is the case, I don't really get what an optional import means.  

Uses = Package + optional, see discussions in the MC forum for more details
some of it is explained in the xsd.

"adrian at jboss.org" wrote : 
  | or by looking at the actual ClassLoaderPolicy used to create the classloader,
  | e.g getPackageNames() and getDelegates().
Are you saying I should really be using this instead of Module? How do I obtain this from a deployer?

What about version ranges? How are they represented?

In the requirement.

anonymous wrote : 
  | What I am doing is implementing one DelegatingClassPool per classloader, and having that backed by a ClassPoolDomain which corresponds to a classloading domain. If a CtClass cannot be found in a DelegatingClassPool it will delegate to the domain which will then look in the registered pools. 
  | Should things like parentFirst be handled on pool or domain level? I originally had that on the domain, but from what I gather the other settings importAll/exportAll/imports/exports should be handled on the pool level.

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