[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss jBPM] - Re: Behavior when next state in a

woo37830 do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Oct 30 09:02:06 EDT 2008

I'm at the stage where we have a working process and a console that drives several processes.  Again, I want to figure out how to create the action or code that would cause the next task queued for the same user to be brought up without having to click in the queue.  I created a JSF tag that was like completeTask except it returns the id of the next task IF it is for the same user.  I'm trying to figure out how to "redirect" so that a new task gets loaded.

I've been having very good success (with some agony) of morphing the jbpm-console into a useful "application", instead of a demo, that can have several business processes available and gives users of the processes a good experience.  A few new tags and some customized pages with "tab" behavior, etc. have made it very useful.  The use of the JSF and s4j tags makes it easy to test and retest without starting and stopping the server or having to redeploy the console ( I use Eclipse with my workspace pointing to the unzipped jbpm-console.war and alter it there ).  The only time I have to start and stop the server is when I add a class to the console, of course.  Business processes are deployed as usual to the console.

While many have stated that one should roll their own application, etc.  I feel that the jbpm-console was a very good starting place and a general console is exactly the approach to take rather than separate applications.
It has taken some time to work though how the tags work, what the model for execution is, etc., but it's worth it.  Thanks for the help!

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