[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of EJB 3.0] - Re: JNDI Bindings

ALRubinger do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Sep 16 12:39:11 EDT 2008

"jaikiran" wrote : 1) One of the possible reasons, that i can think of, why the bean developer would want to do this is to provide a different transport to use. Is there any other valid reason why the developer would want to do this?

The most pressing reason is the transport.

I'm sure app developers could come up with a reason for many equivalent bindings -  maybe they're migrating to a new JNDI name scheme and want to keep the old for backwards-compatibility?

"jaikiran" wrote : 2) Does this multiple bindings apply on to Remote business interfaces? Is there any specific reason why the same reasoning can't be used to have something like @LocalBindings? 

Yes, I'm in favor of adding N Local Bindings support.  What's interesting is that there's no backing metadata model (ie. LocalBindingMetaData) for this.


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