[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss jBPM] - Concurrency in jBPM4

roschmel do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Feb 6 08:16:26 EST 2009

I hava a question regarding concurrency in jBPM4:

In jBPM3 when you send multiple signals to the same processinstance  to the EJB Command Service (in a possible clustereed environment) you get StaleObjectExceptions beacuse the executions are not synchronized.

Is it planned to address this issue in jBPM4? I am asking because we are building a synchronisation mechansim currently and I need to know whats planned in this area.

I know StaleObjects are part of the design in jBpm3..... i read all the threads. But is simply does not work in an Integration Environment where you also talk a lot  with non transacted or non XA transacted resources.

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