[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss Portal] - Re: Design of Portal Deployer

alesj do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Feb 10 07:33:36 EST 2009

"mwringe" wrote : 
  | 1) The current approach is that we have all the jars that used to exist in the portlet container sar moved over to the deployer. The sar is then used to just to start the portlet container at run time (it becomes basically just a jboss-service.xml file).
Why -service.xml instead of -beans.xml?

"mwringe" wrote : 
  | The deployer uses the microcontainer kernel to get a reference to the portlet containers runtime objects and uses those to directly inject the information into the  running server.
Why MC kernel usage?
Inject portal objects directly.

"mwringe" wrote : 
  | 2) more distinct separation between the deployer and the portlet container.
  | The deployer would only contain jars for the metadata, the deployers themselves and for interface classes that will be used to pass data between the deployer and the portlet container. 
  | In this case the deployer would parse the xml files into metadata, then convert the metadata into the proper classes for the common interface, then have the portal container  have new classes to interface with the deployer to convert the common interface into the classes that it requires.
OK, the common metadata driven approach.

Any new idea with the .tld handling?

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