[jboss-dev-forums] [Design the new POJO MicroContainer] - Re: How to reliably determine if BeanMetaData contains depen

kabir.khan@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Feb 11 08:54:40 EST 2009

Looking more into this it seems that 
AbstractCallbackMetaData.describeVisit() and AbstractInjectionMetaData.describeVisit() both need access to MetaDataVisitor.getControllerContext(), so we'll get NPEs unless there is a hack.

Can we not just add 

  | void MetaDataVisitor.structureVisit(MetaDataVisitorNode node);
  | void MetaDataVisitorNode.structureVisit(MetaDataVisitor visitor);
where the MetaDataVisitorNode.structureVisit() impls don't ever do anything clever, just delegate to the visitor

  | void structureVisit(MetaDataVisitor visitor)
  | {
  |    visitor.structureVisit(this);
  | }
Would that not be more in line with a "normal" visitor implementation?

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