[jboss-dev-forums] [Design the new POJO MicroContainer] - Re: Redeploy is done wrong

alesj do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Feb 17 02:56:42 EST 2009

Actually dreaming about it some more :-), this is not good either.
It would be just the other way around then, the old one seeing the new contents.

* we see it's a redeploy --> DeploymentContext::prepareClean --> reset existing zip contexts
* do structure recognition on the same root, same zip contexts --> re-initializing entries
* undeploy on the same root/zip context == it sees the new enitres <---- X

In most cases it would probably work, as you mostly change metadata,
but if someone actually changed underlying jar file and
then tried to load some newly non-existing resources at undeploy, it would break.

I guess this could all be solved by having a temp copy all the time,
but that's just the opposite of why we have vfs.

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