[jboss-dev-forums] [Design the new POJO MicroContainer] - Re: Locks on MainDeployerImpl

alesj do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Feb 20 04:48:05 EST 2009

I guess if I just write lock the deploy and undeploy lists processing, you should be fine.

  | Index: deployers-impl/src/main/java/org/jboss/deployers/plugins/main/MainDeployerImpl.java
  | ===================================================================
  | --- deployers-impl/src/main/java/org/jboss/deployers/plugins/main/MainDeployerImpl.java (revision 84459)
  | +++ deployers-impl/src/main/java/org/jboss/deployers/plugins/main/MainDeployerImpl.java (working copy)
  | @@ -322,33 +322,41 @@
  | @@ -623,13 +631,13 @@
  |        if (deployers == null)
  |           throw new IllegalStateException("No deployers");
  | +      List<DeploymentContext> undeployContexts = null;
  |        lockWrite();
  |        try
  |        {
  |           if (shutdown.get())
  |              throw new IllegalStateException("The main deployer is shutdown");
  | -         List<DeploymentContext> undeployContexts = null;
  |           if (undeploy.isEmpty() == false)
  |           {
  |              // Undeploy in reverse order (subdeployments first)
  | @@ -640,21 +648,33 @@
  |                 Collections.sort(undeployContexts, reverted);
  |              undeploy.clear();
  |           }
  | -         if (undeployContexts != null)
  | -         {
  | -            deployers.process(null, undeployContexts);
  | -         }
  | +      }
  | +      finally
  | +      {
  | +         unlockWrite();
  | +      }
  | -         try
  | -         {
  | -            processToDeploy();
  | -         }
  | -         catch (DeploymentException e)
  | -         {
  | -            throw new RuntimeException("Error while processing new deployments", e);
  | -         }
  | +      if (undeployContexts != null)
  | +      {
  | +         deployers.process(null, undeployContexts);
  | +      }
  | -         List<DeploymentContext> deployContexts = null;
  | +      try
  | +      {
  | +         processToDeploy();
  | +      }
  | +      catch (DeploymentException e)
  | +      {
  | +         throw new RuntimeException("Error while processing new deployments", e);
  | +      }
  | +
  | +      List<DeploymentContext> deployContexts = null;
  | +      lockWrite();
  | +      try
  | +      {
  | +         if (shutdown.get())
  | +            throw new IllegalStateException("The main deployer is shutdown");
  | +
  |           if (deploy.isEmpty() == false)
  |           {
  |              deployContexts = new ArrayList<DeploymentContext>(deploy);
  | @@ -662,15 +682,16 @@
  |                 Collections.sort(deployContexts, comparator);
  |              deploy.clear();
  |           }
  | -         if (deployContexts != null)
  | -         {
  | -            deployers.process(deployContexts, null);
  | -         }
  |        }
  |        finally
  |        {
  |           unlockWrite();
  |        }
  | +
  | +      if (deployContexts != null)
  | +      {
  | +         deployers.process(deployContexts, null);
  | +      }
  |     }
  |     public DeploymentStage getDeploymentStage(String deploymentName) throws DeploymentException

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