[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of EJB 3.0] - Versioning

ALRubinger do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Jan 19 01:15:04 EST 2009

I propose we drop the qualifier (ie. "-Beta7") from all components that are not directly consumed by some other project.

This currently affects everything except jboss-ejb3-as-int and jboss-ejb3-plugin.

Reason: For CR1 I don't want to spend 1/2 a day re-releasing perfectly good projects just to get a name change, and then watch builds to make sure I didn't make a mistake updating all the dependencies.  I'll have to repeat this exercise for GA later this week.

Related to this is our versioning scheme in JIRA; I'd like to implement something along the lines of what I'm doing for jboss-aspects, where valid versions are listed per-component.  So we'd have:

  | core-1.0.1
  | build-1.0.0...

This gives a clear indication of which component release a bug fix is actually in.  I'm finding it difficult to keep track of questions like: "If fix version is 1.0.0-CR1, what release of Proxy actually contains it?  Do I need to re-release Proxy, or has it already been integrated?"


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