[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss jBPM] - Re: New console snapshot published, Task Forms included

heiko.braun@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Jun 22 06:42:19 EDT 2009

anonymous wrote : 
  | One question: What if the task name contain spaces or stuff like that? 
  | Is it possible (or planned) to provide a mapping between task names and forms? Use case is to use the same form in different tasks (if you make it a bit generic, thats not unusual). 

right. it breaks, when the name contains spaces.
but I agree, instead of working around that, we should come up with a reasonable solution that covers your use case as well. maybe a resource declaration at process level, with an ID attribute which can be referenced within the task declaration, i.e.:

  | <process>
  | <resources>
  |  <resource id="loan-template" name="loan_request_form.ftl"/>
  | </resources>
  | [...]
  | <task name="Verify Loan Request">
  |   <form-template ref="loan-template"/>
  | </task>
  | [...]
  | </process>

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