[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of Messaging on JBoss (Messaging/JBoss)] - Re: Another DeadLock, something around InVM

clebert.suconic@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Mar 4 15:06:49 EST 2009

I was trying to replicate this on a test.

I came up with a test, but it hangs with a different thread dump.

it would probably be a good test.

It starts a bunch of threads, all of them missing pings, and all of them closing the session.

I'm playing with a random wait between the createSession and close:

                  Thread.sleep(PING_INTERVAL * (RandomUtil.randomPositiveInt() % 3));

So, I could eventually have session.close and failure detection being called at the same time.

WDYT ? :

  |    /*
  |     * Test the client triggering failure due to no pong received in time
  |     */
  |    public void testMultiThreadOpenAndCloses() throws Exception
  |    {
  |       final TransportConfiguration transportConfig = new TransportConfiguration("org.jboss.messaging.integration.transports.netty.NettyConnectorFactory");
  |       Interceptor noPongInterceptor = new Interceptor()
  |       {
  |          public boolean intercept(final Packet packet, final RemotingConnection conn) throws MessagingException
  |          {
  |             log.info("In interceptor, packet is " + packet.getType());
  |             if (packet.getType() == PacketImpl.PING)
  |             {
  |                log.info("Ignoring Ping packet.. it will be dropped");
  |                return false;
  |             }
  |             else
  |             {
  |                return true;
  |             }
  |          }
  |       };
  |       messagingService.getServer().getRemotingService().addInterceptor(noPongInterceptor);
  |       final int numberOfSessions = 30;
  |       final int numberOfThreads = 8;
  |       final CountDownLatch flagStart = new CountDownLatch(1);
  |       final CountDownLatch flagAligned = new CountDownLatch(numberOfThreads);
  |       final ClientSessionFactory csf = new ClientSessionFactoryImpl(transportConfig,
  |                                                                     null,
  |                                                                     DEFAULT_CONNECTION_LOAD_BALANCING_POLICY_CLASS_NAME,
  |                                                                     PING_INTERVAL,
  |                                                                     (long)(PING_INTERVAL * 1.5),
  |                                                                     DEFAULT_CALL_TIMEOUT,
  |                                                                     DEFAULT_CONSUMER_WINDOW_SIZE,
  |                                                                     DEFAULT_CONSUMER_MAX_RATE,
  |                                                                     DEFAULT_SEND_WINDOW_SIZE,
  |                                                                     DEFAULT_PRODUCER_MAX_RATE,
  |                                                                     DEFAULT_MIN_LARGE_MESSAGE_SIZE,
  |                                                                     DEFAULT_BLOCK_ON_ACKNOWLEDGE,
  |                                                                     DEFAULT_BLOCK_ON_NON_PERSISTENT_SEND,
  |                                                                     DEFAULT_BLOCK_ON_PERSISTENT_SEND,
  |                                                                     DEFAULT_AUTO_GROUP,
  |                                                                     DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECTIONS,
  |                                                                     DEFAULT_PRE_ACKNOWLEDGE,
  |                                                                     DEFAULT_ACK_BATCH_SIZE,
  |                                                                     DEFAULT_RETRY_INTERVAL,
  |                                                                     DEFAULT_RETRY_INTERVAL_MULTIPLIER,
  |                                                                     DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES_BEFORE_FAILOVER,
  |                                                                     DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES_AFTER_FAILOVER);
  |       class LocalThread extends Thread
  |       {
  |          Throwable failure;
  |          @Override
  |          public void run()
  |          {
  |             try
  |             {
  |                // Start all at once to make concurrency worst
  |                flagAligned.countDown();
  |                flagStart.await();
  |                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSessions; i++)
  |                {
  |                   ClientSession session = csf.createSession(false, false, false);
  |                   Thread.sleep(PING_INTERVAL * (RandomUtil.randomPositiveInt() % 3));
  |                   session.close();
  |                }
  |             }
  |             catch (Throwable e)
  |             {
  |                failure = e;
  |             }
  |          }
  |       };
  |       LocalThread threads[] = new LocalThread[numberOfThreads];
  |       for (int i = 0; i < numberOfThreads; i++)
  |       {
  |          threads = new LocalThread();
  |          threads.start();
  |       }
  |       flagAligned.await();
  |       flagStart.countDown();
  |       Throwable e = null;
  |       for (LocalThread t : threads)
  |       {
  |          t.join();
  |          if (t.failure != null)
  |          {
  |             e = t.failure;
  |          }
  |       }
  |       if (e != null)
  |       {
  |          throw new Exception("Test Failed", e);
  |       }
  |    }

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