[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBossXB] - Re: problem parsing sip.xml with JBossXB

alex.loubyansky@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sat May 2 16:42:32 EDT 2009

The exception is expected in this case since pattern's condition property is bound as
@XmlElementWrapper(name = "condition")
  | 	@XmlElements( {
  | 			@XmlElement(name = "and", type = AndMetaData.class),
  | 			@XmlElement(name = "contains", type = ContainsMetaData.class),
  | 			@XmlElement(name = "equal", type = EqualMetaData.class),
  | 			@XmlElement(name = "exists", type = ExistsMetaData.class),
  | 			@XmlElement(name = "not", type = NotMetaData.class),
  | 			@XmlElement(name = "or", type = OrMetaData.class),
  | 			@XmlElement(name = "subdomain-of", type = SubdomainOfMetaData.class)})
  | 	public void setCondition(ConditionMetaData condition) {
  | 		this.condition = condition;
  | 	}
Remove wrapping condition element.

Unfortunately, XmlElementRef is not supported currently.

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