[jboss-dev-forums] [Design the new POJO MicroContainer] - Re: DESCRIBE phase - Dependency builders for MC Beans

alesj do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue May 12 05:29:04 EDT 2009

"jaikiran" wrote : But in the long term, shouldn't we be moving away from this default?
No, that's why it's called *transparent* AOP integration. ;-)

You can only argue that the AOP mechanism is not performant enough,
but that's as far as I agree with you.
Although this comes with a cost, it does bring lots of nice features.
They are mostly true in a sense of AOP; aspects, concerns separation, ...
@JMX, @JNDI, @Password, @(add-your-own-metadata-here) are good examples of this.
And if I was a user, that's what I would want too, out-of-the-box.

But yeah, there should be a way to explicitly avoid this,
and this is/can be achieved with this new DB per MD mechanism.
And if there is a real demand for this "outside" programmatic usage,
it's trivial to add new declarative way of using this.

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