[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of POJO Server] - Re: Various performance issues in core projects

adrian@jboss.org do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue May 12 09:06:04 EDT 2009

3) Using ObjectName.quote() is probably not the same thing. It would lead to a mangled
and probably unreadable ObjectName.

4) The correct way to not register (sub-)deployment/components in JMX is
to remove the @JMX annotation from the DeployersImpl bean in conf/bootstrap/deployers.xml

If the DeployersImpl is not registered in JMX then neither will be the deployments.

This has nothing directly to do with the bean. 

It is letting you look (using JMX) at what deployers the deployment/component went
through, the attachments (deployment descriptors) associated with the
deployment/component and maybe how long the processing took for each deployer 
if you enable the stats.

It's just debug information so it is optional.

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