[jboss-dev-forums] [Embedded JBoss Development] - Re: JbossWS in embbeded

ALRubinger do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Nov 10 10:36:18 EST 2009

"manuel.chinea" wrote : i applied the patch in the jira ticket https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/EMB-61. I checked the code for the system property java.endorsed.libs. I changed the line in ServerTestCase.java 
  | final File lib = new File(jbossHome,"endorsed");
  | to
  | final File lib = new File(jbossHome,"lib");
  | so the path were something like this: ...lib/endorsed.]/quote]
  | You can actually ditch all that code, it was left over.  The important piece that was in place for my runs was in build/pom.xml, where I manually set the sysprop when the JVM is launched.
  | "manuel.chinea" wrote : I was curious about the java.endorsed.dirs property and what jboss does with it.
  | It's the runtime which handles this.  Endorsed libraries are those that are allowed to replace those in the JRE.  @see http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/guide/standards/.
  | "manuel.chinea" wrote : I put an iteration over the jboss config properties after the server.start() and saw the property jboss.bootstrap.url is set to server/default/conf/bootstrap.xml, aren't we running in the "all" config?
  | Nice catch, I'll check that.
  | S,
  | ALR

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