[jboss-dev-forums] [JBoss AS Development] - Re: Graceful Shutdown

emuckenhuber do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Nov 26 08:38:11 EST 2009

"emuckenhuber" wrote : 
  | Doing a brief research - in the TomcatService there is a handleNotification, which actually starts and stops the connectors. So the question is if the acceptor interface should also specify a contract for this. Otherwise we could end up opening ports without any user application installed, as this is something MC also does not know about.

That's why i was asking if we need something like a 'acceptor' deployment phase - which is deployed last and undeployed first. So that you can just write your usual MC bean deployment thingy. In the end this is also not something ProfileService knows about, but it controls when deployments are deployed.
It most probably makes more sense to move the responsibility to the "central management bean" and the acceptor interface - where you basically have to decouple the acceptor from the MC lifecycle, or so ?

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