[jboss-dev-forums] [EJB 3.0 Development] - ejb3_1 and its relation with ejb3 bom

jaikiran pai do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Apr 9 12:54:05 EDT 2010

jaikiran pai [http://community.jboss.org/people/jaikiran] replied to the discussion

"ejb3_1 and its relation with ejb3 bom"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/536626#536626

> Andrew Rubinger wrote:
> If the BOM is the parent of the ejb3_1 module, then the ejb3_1 module will have the correct exported dependencies.  Now something else, project X, makes a depedendency upon ejb3_1.  Any "exclusion"s defined by the BOM will be *ignored*.  This is because Project X doesn't have the BOM in its hierarchy.  The way around this is to declare in Project X a dependency twice upon ejb3_1; once in "dependencies", once in "dependencyManagement" (with scope import).
> S,
The project X that I was considering was AS. So we would have something like:

ejb3_1 module pom.xml:



bom-as6 pom.xml:


<!-- rest of the dep management -->

JBoss AS component-matrix pom.xml (or some module which "imports" the bom)


The AS/ejb3 module pom.xml would add "dependency" on *ejb3_1*

          <!-- We don't specify any version here, it will be picked up from bom -->

But like I said in my previous post, making bom-as6 the parent of ejb3_1 may not work out.


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