[jboss-dev-forums] [JBoss Microcontainer Development] - JBREFLECT-5 - Implementing generics in JavassistClassInfo

Kabir Khan do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Apr 27 15:36:36 EDT 2010

Kabir Khan [http://community.jboss.org/people/kabir.khan%40jboss.com] replied to the discussion

"JBREFLECT-5 - Implementing generics in JavassistClassInfo"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/539884#539884

Some information from Andrew Haley to a mail where I asked him about the class loaders of parameterized types:

> I don't think that it makes any sense even to talk about the class
> loader that was used to create a ParameterizedType.  Clearly there was
> a class loader used to resolve the class names that are passed when a
> ParameterizedType is created, but I don't think the information is
> recorded anywhere.
> The core bug here seems to be that cacheing is being done
> inappropriately.
> Can you write a test case, please?  One that demonstrates the bug in
>   //Fails - loader is loaderA
>   assertEquals(loaderB, infoB.getActualTypeArguments[0].getClassLoader());
> It has to be complete and runnable as a standalone program.


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