[jboss-dev-forums] [JBoss AS7 Development] - types of deployment errors and their handling

Alexey Loubyansky do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Aug 31 09:13:23 EDT 2010

Alexey Loubyansky [http://community.jboss.org/people/alex.loubyansky%40jboss.com] replied to the discussion

"types of deployment errors and their handling"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/559776#559776

> John Bailey wrote:
> I would like to add a couple definitions to the discussion.  
> * Activation - The process step that is executing the service activators (sub-systems, Deployments, etc)
> * Service Start - The actual start operation on the services themselves
> The reason I want to separate these is the error handling should be different.  Activation  errors in subsystem should be considered catastrophic failures.  These will certainly cause major failures further in the startup/runtime.  In all likelihood these are not recoverable and will result in only portions of the sub-system services to be available.  I feel this should result in halting the server start.  I also think service start errors in a sub-system should halt the server startup process as well.  I just don't think these can be recovered with a restart.  
> What does everyone think?
If a service is an essential part of the subsystem then it's effectively a subsystem failure and the the server should stop.

> As for deployment activation errors, this has been discussed in previous posts, but in essence these should either rollback the batch or allow the previously added services to remain.  Either way, the errors should be logged and server should continue the boot process.  Deployment service start errors should also either stop the whole deployment or allow partial start based on user configuration. 
I'd like to clarify what is this mechanism that is responsible for handling deployment activation errors. These errors pass by the listeners. They happen before the deployment is created and from this point of view they kind of aren't even deployment errors? Would any listener be notified at all if there was an activation failure? Can you imagine a listener that would be interested to receive a deployment activation error?

This kind of separation of activation and service start errors is confusing to me. You could have an exception hierarchy to differentiate between the two but why would you want to have different error handling mechanisms isn't clear to me.



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