[jboss-dev-forums] [jBPM Development] New message: "How to execute a jbpm process that calls java source code"

ABIDI Sami do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Mar 17 06:12:57 EDT 2010

JBoss development,

A new message was posted in the thread "How to execute a jbpm process that calls java source code":


Author  : ABIDI Sami
Profile : http://community.jboss.org/people/uaibys

I want to develop a java application using jbpm 4.3 to execute a process. I want to associate each event in the process to a java source code.
I have already installed jbpm 4.3 with JBOSS 5.0.0 and I had a look to the examples joined to the install files. I succeeded to deploy my processes to the jboss server and to execute them under the console.
My problem is that i didn't succeed to execute my process from eclipse and my programs don't use the java code that I wrote. Tasks that i want to perform are not executed!
My questions are :
How to launch a process instance that executes my java source code? must I have a main class which calls the process?
The java source code, how must it be? must it be a a public class that includes a main function?
When I execute this code, must I do it with ant or must I run the project as a java application?
Thank you!


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